Black-bone chicken jade (black jade)

Ouyang Qiumei called the black jadeite a black-bone chicken in "Autumn Eyebrow Jade". Black was originally the concept of the dirty color of jade, so the value has been relatively low for many times. However, with the advancement of jade carving, some jade carving workers found that black jade, due to its non-uniformity, combined with its watering conditions, can produce unique ink paintings of Chinese paintings. Can be used as a kind of beauty, used by the engraver to produce a more unique theme.

Black jade (academicly known as - black-bone jade, color from gray - gray-black - black), a "black horse" in the jade family. Some people say that Mo Cui looks black, so it is also called "black jade", is "black jade" and "moi Cui" the same? In fact, "black jade" and "moi Cui" are not the same thing, although both seem to be black in appearance, but observed in transmitted light, the ink green is green, and the black jade is still black. At the same time, the two are fundamentally different in material composition: the mineral composition of the ink is mainly omphacite, and the main mineral component of black jade is the jadeite mineral commonly found in jade, but the impurities contained in the interior are different.

Black jade raw stone wool

Black-bone chicken is the name of Hong Kong. The mainland is mostly called fragrant gray.

The concept of black jade is actually a range, including not only black jade, but also jadeite from grayish white to grayish black. The commonality is that black is not caused by the main mineral component jadeite, but by some fine dots. Black inclusions are caused by inclusions. These black dot-like inclusions have crystals, intergranular voids and fissures along the jadeite jadeite mineral body. They are rare and dense. When a large amount of black matter appears, it will absorb light significantly. The jadeite is shown as Black; when the black matter is only a small amount, partial appearance, the absorption of light is only a part, and the color of the jadeite is grayish white or grayish black; if the black dot-like substance appears only in a small amount of sporadic dots, it becomes jadeite. A small amount of impurities, which is what we often call the black point-like "fly cockroaches" in the jade, is a black cockroach that we do not want to exist in the jadeite finished product.

The mineral composition of black-broiled jadeite: microscopic identification of rocks, X-ray diffraction of powder crystals, electron probe analysis and laser Raman microprobe analysis indicate that black jadeite is basically a single mineral rock, and black jadeite jade is almost composed of hard jadeite. . The jadeite content is more than 98%, only a small amount of secondary minerals and black carbonaceous, the latter lacks 2%, and the local appearance is higher. The mineral particles are short columnar and granular, and the rock has a granular crystal structure.

Quality assessment of black jade

For the quality assessment of black jade, the following points should be noted:

1) Color. Black jade color requirements are as black as possible, black and pure black jade, the gloss will appear brighter; at the same time, the color distribution should be more uniform, the whole is consistent, instead of plaque-like black spots or irregular white Blocky cotton wool. However, modern jade carving designers often use the depth of black jade color to design and excel some beautiful black jade carvings. The Dalmatian in the picture below is a clever use of the black plaque color of the black jade, to fully reflect the skin color characteristics of the Dalmatian.

2) Texture. The better black jade texture should be above the sputum, the crystal is fine, even and delicate, and the high-grade black jade can reach the ice. The black jade with poor texture is mainly composed of coarse beans, with strong crystal grain and loose structure.

3) Water head. The black jade with good water head is relatively transparent, the light can penetrate the past, and the black and white jade head in the middle and low grade is relatively poor, opaque and the light cannot penetrate.

4) Cultural theme. The theme of a good black jade works should be compatible with its essential characteristics. The theme often reflected in the traditional culture is black people, such as Zhong Rong, Zhang Fei, Fei Long in the legendary story, and the four King Kong in Buddhism. And reflect some black, gray-black objects in modern daily life. In the picture below, through the composition of the pipe and Zen, it is reminiscent of the scene of the summer Zen screaming for a long time, the smoke of the pipe is a smoky smog, the so-called "'sound" is endless, flying yellow and sturdy", is right The best wishes for the booming business, the never-ending business field, and the long-term career of Pengcheng Miles.

5) Process. The jade carving process is an intuitive expression of the jade culture, and the good craft can play the role of cultural expressiveness. Such as "live shrimp" (below) clever use of black emerald gray black color reflects the true color of live shrimp, the texture of ice species reflects the transparent texture of the shrimp, the craft is carefully crafted, the feet, eyes, tentacles of live shrimp The shells of the shrimps are carved very clearly and lifelike.

6) Hey. The black emerald black is caused by the black inclusions contained in the black inclusions. The black impurities are densely distributed and evenly distributed. The color of the black color is also relatively pure. When the black impurities are scarcely distributed, they become the dirty spots in the jade. The fly flies", belongs to the cockroach. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there are cracks, sputum, etc. in the black jade.

Among the colorful emerald families, black jade is only a small part. In the past Myanmar wool trade, most of the black jadeites were in the form of coarse beans of coarse texture and poor water quality. They belonged to relatively low-grade jadeites, and some black jade wools were often abandoned and discarded as waste. Therefore, for a long time, black jade has not been valued by people, and its value has been in a downturn. However, with the continuous improvement of people's understanding of jade, the characteristics and quality of various jade varieties are constantly being excavated. Some black jade works with pure black, fine texture, good water, novel subject matter, and meticulous work are gradually in jade. A unique flag on the market makes people look at each other and become a "black horse" in the jade family. It is one of the goals of jade lovers to chase and collect.

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