Method for preparing microcrystalline glass

Application Number: 200610032704.2 Application date: 2006.01.10
name: Method for preparing microcrystalline glass
Public (announcement) number: CN1807301 Public (announcement) day: 2006.07.26
Main classification number: C03B32/02(2006.01)I The original application number of the division:
Classification number: C03B32/02(2006.01)I;C03B18/00(2006.01)I
Award day: priority:
Application (patent) person: Guilin Dihua Special Glass Co., Ltd.
address: No.23 Lingxi Road, Lingchuan Town, Lingchuan County, Guilin City, Guangxi 541200, China
Invention (design) person: Li Haihua International application:
International announcement: Enter country date:
Patent agency: Guangzhou Huajin United Patent & Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. agent: Mo Yaojiang
The invention relates to a method for preparing glass ceramics. The method comprises the following steps: 1) preparation of batch materials; 2) melting of glass; 3) forming by float glass method; 4) crystallization treatment by stepwise temperature system. The method for producing microcrystalline glass can be formed at one time, and the grinding process of the prior art is removed while ensuring smooth and smooth surface of the prepared microcrystalline glass, the production cost is greatly reduced, the product yield is high, and the pollution problem is solved. It is of great significance to environmental protection.

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