Legend about carnelian


Carnelian is also known as Sadoine or Mecca, and sometimes English is also spelled Carnelian. The English name comes from the Latin carne (blood flesh), meaning its orange color.

The shadow of the red chalcedony can be found in almost every great civilization. From the Ur civilization (the capital of Mesopotamia before the Biblical era) to the Napoleonic era (he brought back a huge octagonal red chalcedony when he was in Egypt) and then to the Tibetan Buddhist civilization, red Chalcedony is preserved with its excellent qualities in medicinal, spiritual and creative world.

The carnelian is a gem of religious color. The god of longevity of the Egyptian goddess Isis in his later years is the carnelian.

The red chalcedony recorded in the Bible is a "stone of fire." In the Bible there is a record of giving the carnelian to Moses and wearing it on Aaron's breastplate. She is also one of the twelve gems used in the cornerstone of the Jerusalem Wall, symbolizing the Philippe missionary.

Ancient Greeks and Romans used carnelian as a vulture (intaglio) stamp ring. The ancient Romans also symbolically placed dark red chalcedony for men, and pale red carnelian for women.

Muhammad's jade is a sinuous carnelian with a silver ring.

Today, Chinese Buddhism, Indian Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism are convinced of the magic of Chalcedony. They also preach the tradition of ancient Egypt, placing the red chalcedony with Turquoise and Lapis Lazuli to enhance their own Mana.

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