Protect your birthstone

You must know which constellation you are, but do you know what your birthstone is? Birthstone, the English name "Birthstone", is the birthstone of the people born in Europe and the United States on behalf of twelve months. The source of the birthstone is related to the twelve cornerstones of the Bible, the twelve jewels of the breastplate, the twelve angels of Islam, and the legend of the celestial zodiac. Every birthstone is an amulet, and every month, everyone who is born is responsible for guarding his birthstone. Let's take a look at the small series to find out which one is your exclusive guardian stone!

January garnet

Garnet, referred to as garnet, is named after its shape as a garnet and belongs to a semi-precious stone. People think that garnet is full of energy and energy, which can enhance and release the wearer's creativity and inner energy. In ancient legends, it is regarded as a token of friendship and love, representing friendship and loyalty, bringing friendship and love to wear, and staying away from disaster.

February amethyst

Amethyst, "color is like grapes, bright and lovely." In general, the number of purples in the natural gemstones is small. Since ancient times, the feeling of purple has been mysterious, noble and romantic. Amethyst crystal clear texture and dreamy colors make it one of the most popular gemstones. People call it "the stone of honesty", which symbolizes honesty and peace of mind; in the western countries it also represents "the guardian stone of love", which can give deep love, chastity, honesty and courage between couples and husbands and wives.

March Hailanbao

Legend has it that a group of mermaids live in the blue sea. They usually use aquamarine as their own jewelry to dress themselves up. Once they encounter a critical moment, they only need to let the gemstones receive the sunlight, so they can get mysterious power to help themselves. . Therefore, aquamarine also has a nickname "mermaid stone", which coincides with the Pisces in March. Hailanbao, named after its blue and clear color, is also a kind of semi-precious stone, symbolizing courage and calmness.

April diamond

"Diamonds are long-lasting, one is forever." Diamonds are the hardest of all gems, so they are considered the best endorsement of loyal love. People born in April are destined to be enviable, starting life in the warm sunshine of early spring, destined to be with luck, and guarded by hard diamonds.

May emerald

Emerald is known as the “king of green” for its beautiful color. The holy grail used in the last supper of Jesus is made with emerald carvings. In the history of western jewelry culture, emeralds are regarded as a symbol of love and life, representing a spring full of vitality. Legend has it that it is also the jewel that Venus loves, so emerald has the meaning of success and protection of love, which can give the wearer honest and beautiful memories.

June Pearl

Pearl, the "child of the sea", is the only gemstone in the birthstone that is not a natural mineral. With its warm and elegant temperament, the pearl has become one of the ladies' favorite gems and is known as the "Queen of Jewelry". It has a warm and elegant luster and is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism, representing happiness, peace, health, wealth, longevity and purity.

July ruby

The history of rubies is older than diamonds. In ancient India, because of its pure red color, people at that time believed that there must be a burning flame in the ruby. The intense anger and rich color that ruby ​​permeates makes people think that it is the embodiment of the immortal bird, and it has a strong fantasy. According to legend, people with rubies will be given a career of health, love and success.

August Peridot

The beautiful green of olivine makes people feel the infinite vitality and vitality just watching it. It is often called "the stone of happiness", expressing the people's longing for peace, happiness, peace and happiness, family happiness, etc. The olivine is called the "gem of the sun", which symbolizes that the peridot like the sun generally eliminates the shadows, giving courage, strength and hope, and dare to face the challenges of life.

September Sapphire

Sapphire is a gemstone other than ruby ​​in corundum gemstones. It has a variety of colors like rainbows, among which the clear dark blue gemstones are the most precious. Sapphire has always had a special distinguished position in people's minds. In the legend of ancient civilization, the base of the world is a huge sapphire, and the light reflected from it makes the sky a sky blue. Sapphire symbolizes stability and honesty, which can make the wearer calm and friendly.

October Opal

Everyone born in October is lucky, why? Because you have been sheltered by the most beautiful gems in the world. Opal, English for Opal, originated from the Latin Opalus, meaning "the beauty of the gem." Staring at it, you can see ruby-like flames, emerald-like deep green sea, amethyst-like mysterious stains... The colors and brilliance of various gems are concentrated on it, presenting colorful irregularities The pattern, as if it were a nebula in the universe, is natural and beautiful. The ancient Romans called opal stone "the son of Cupid" and considered opal to be a symbol of hope and purity; the Orientals regarded it as a sacred gem representing loyalty.

November Topaz

Topaz (also known as topaz) is more colorful, the most popular of which is wine yellow, known as the "stone of friendship", representing sincere and persistent love, meaning beautiful and intelligent. It also symbolizes richness, is alive, and can eliminate fatigue, control emotions, and help rebuild confidence and goals.

December turquoise

Turquoise is one of the rare precious gemstones in the world. It is one of the four famous jade and is the earliest mineral used as a decoration. It is recognized as the "December Birthstone" at home and abroad. It is considered to be the elf of the sea and the blue sky. It will bring auspiciousness and good luck to people. It has the reputation of "stone of success" and is a symbol of divine power.

Which one is guarding your birthstone? You are born with its cockroaches, I believe it will guard you, bring you good luck and happiness!

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